The ladies behind the legacies

Meet the American icons who have changed the course of history, from Martha Washington tending to soldiers during the American Revolution to Dr. Jill Biden's modern push for equity in women's health. Get a glimpse into the brilliant minds of these powerful women and be inspired to champion your own cause by their example.

See a name below that you don't recognize? These women were White House Hostesses! Particularly in the earlier days of the Republic (often when a President was not married or was widowed) various women took on the role of White House hostess. They served as the primary female figure responsible for hosting formal events and representing the President’s spouse. Often, family members like daughters or nieces filled this position, providing a familial touch to the presidency. Women such as Martha Jefferson Randolph, Emily Tennesse Donelson, Angelica Van Buren, and Harriett Lane Johnston filled this role.

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