“I do not belong to the public; my character is wholly domestic, and the public have nothing to do with it.”
First Ladies of the US Mary Lincoln Full Image

Mary Lincoln

Mary Ann Todd Lincoln
Years of service: 1861-1865
Born: 1818

First Ladies of the US Mary Lincoln Full Image

Raised in Kentucky in a wealthy, slave-owning, and politically savvy family, Mary Lincoln freely voiced her opinions. Her political ambitions were shared and appreciated by her husband, Abraham. As First Lady of a war-torn country, she found herself criticized by both sides as a Southern traitor in the White House. She received little press for her frequent visits to hospitalized Union troops. She also raised funds for the Contraband Relief Association to aid the newly freed people flocking to Washington, D.C. Mary lost two young sons before the president was assassinated while seated next to her at Ford’s Theatre in 1865. Then, her youngest son, Tad, died in 1871. Loss, grief, and fear took their toll on Mary’s mental health during the last years of her life.


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Leaders in Literacy

4/30/2024 through 4/30/2025

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First Ladies as Teachers, Educators, and Librarians.

The right to an education is a foundational principle of America’s history, and many First Ladies have taken up this cause. We celebrate National First Ladies Day by kicking off this featured exhibit, presented by Huntington Bank.