“Under all circumstances we must never desert ourselves.”
First Ladies of the US Louisa Adams Full Image

Louisa Adams

Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams
Years of service: 1825-1829
Born: 1775

First Ladies of the US Louisa Adams Full Image

Louisa Catherine Johnson, born in England to an American father and a British mother, spent much of her youth in France. Her difficult marriage to John Quincy Adams was strained, and she suffered bouts of depression. As the wife of the United States minister to Prussia, her fluent French and exquisite European etiquette were assets her husband refused to appreciate. Louisa's charisma and intellectual inquisitiveness shone brightly in Washington society, and invitations to her political parties were as sought after as Dolley Madison's. Her husband’s political aspirations were stifled during his presidency. Unhappy and bored, Louisa ate chocolate shells and wrote biting semi-autobiographic plays and poetry while living in the White House.


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Leaders in Literacy

4/30/2024 through 4/30/2025

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First Ladies as Teachers, Educators, and Librarians.

The right to an education is a foundational principle of America’s history, and many First Ladies have taken up this cause. We celebrate National First Ladies Day by kicking off this featured exhibit, presented by Huntington Bank.