Hannah Van Buren never lived to see her husband take the oath of office as the eighth president of the United States.
First Ladies of the US Hannah Van Buren Full Image

Hannah Van Buren

Hannah Van Buren
Years of service: 1837-1841
Born: 1783

First Ladies of the US Hannah Van Buren Full Image

Wife of Martin Van Buren; died before he took office on March 4, 1837.

Born in 1783 in Kinderhook, New York, Hannah Van Buren unfortunately passed away 18 years prior to the presidency of her husband, Martin Van Buren. Although fairly common at the time, both Hannah and Martin's ancestors came from the same Dutch community before immigrating to the United States, and the two had shared family lines. After 1812, Hannah Van Buren contracted consumption, or tuberculosis, which rendered her deeply weak as the disease consumed her body. She passed in 1819 and is considered one of America's forgotten First Ladies, as Martin Van Buren rarely talked about her following her death. Had she survived, she would have been our 8th First Lady of the United States.


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First Ladies as Teachers, Educators, and Librarians.

The right to an education is a foundational principle of America’s history, and many First Ladies have taken up this cause. We celebrate National First Ladies Day by kicking off this featured exhibit, presented by Huntington Bank.